Archive for the ‘News’ Category
Der ökonomische Mehrwert von Open Data
Über den ökonomischen Mehrwert, der durch Open Data geschaffen werden soll, wird viel diskutiert. Die EU-Kommission erwartet sich beispielswiese durch die Öffnung von Verwaltungsdaten einen Wachstumsschub von 40 Milliarden Euro jährlich für die EU-Wirtschaft.
Der kanadische Open Data-Evangelist David Eaves (Twitter: @daeaves) hat hierzu nun einen Blogartikel veröffentlicht, in dem er das ökonomische Potential – besonders durch kumulative Einsparungen – aufzeigt. Nachfolgend ein paar Auszüge des meiner Meinung nach sehr lesenswerten Beitrags:
The Value of Open Data – Don’t Measure Growth, Measure Destruction
Several years ago I blogged about how FOIed…data that should have been open helped find $3.2B in evaded tax revenues channeled through illegal charities. It’s just that this is probably not where the wins will initially take place. This is in part because most data for which there was likely to be an obvious and large economic impact (eg spawning a big company or saving a government millions) will have already been analyzed or sold by governments before the open data movement came along. […] So my point is, that a great deal of the (again) obvious low hanging fruit has probably been picked long before the open data movement showed up, because governments – or companies – were willing to invest some modest amounts to create the benefits that picking those fruit would yield.
And that is my main point: The real impact of open data will likely not be in the economic wealth it generates, but rather in its destructive power. I think the real impact of open data is going to be in the value it destroys and so in the capital it frees up to do other things. Much like Red Hat is fraction of the size of Microsoft, Open Data is going to enable new players to disrupt established data players.
What do I mean by this? Take SeeClickFix. Here is a company that, leveraging the Open311 standard, is able to provide many cities with a 311 solution that works pretty much out of the box. 20 years ago, this was a $10 million+ problem for a major city to solve, and wasn’t even something a small city could consider adopting – it was just prohibitively expensive. Today, SeeClickFix takes what was a 7 or 8 digit problem, and makes it a 5 or 6 digit problem.
For example, when you look at the work that Michael Flowers is doing in NYC, his analytics team is going to transform New York City’s budget. They aren’t finding $30 million dollars in operational savings, but they are generating a steady stream of very solid 6 to low 7 digit savings, project after project. (this is to say nothing of the lives they help save with their work on ambulances and fire safety inspections). Cumulatively over time, these savings are going to add up to a lot. But there probably isn’t going to be a big bang. Rather, we are getting into the long tail of savings. Lots and lots of small stuff… that is going to add up to a very big number, while no one is looking.
Don’t look for the big bang, and don’t measure the growth in spending or new jobs. Rather let’s try to measure the destruction and cumulative impact of a thousand tiny wins. Cause that is where I think we’ll see it most.
EU-Richtlinie zu Open Government Data vor Beschluss im EU-Parlament
EU-Kommissarin Neelie Kroes informiert über Twitter:
Breaking … #EU member states have agreed to updated #OpenData rules. Big culture change coming, #EP to sign off in coming weeks.
— Neelie Kroes (@NeelieKroesEU) 10. April 2013
Zugehörige Presseaussendung: – Auszug:
Commission welcomes Member States’ endorsement of EU Open Data rules
Once fully implemented into national law, the revision of the 2003 Public Sector Information Directive would make all generally accessible (that is, non-personal) public sector information available for re-use. Developers, programmers, businesses and citizens will be able to get and re-use public sector data at zero or very low cost in most cases. They will also have access to more exciting and inspirational content, for example including materials in national museums, libraries and archives.
[…]When fully implemented, proposed new rules would:
- Create a genuine right to re-use public information, not present in the original 2003 Directive;
- Expand the reach of the Directive to include libraries, museums and archives;
- Establish that public sector bodies can charge at maximum the marginal cost for reproduction, provision and dissemination of the information. In exceptional cases, full cost recovery (plus a reasonable return on investment) will remain possible;
- Oblige public sector bodies to be more transparent about charging rules;
- Encourage the availability of data in open machine-readable formats
Update 22.5.2013:
Eine lesenswerte Analyse der Auswirkungen der aktualisierten Richtlinie ist auch im Blogpost “The new PSI Directive – as good as it seems?” von Ton Zijlstra and Katleen Janssen zu finden.
Bitte um Stimmen für die Toilet Map Vienna
Im Rahmen der Sanitation App Challenge habe ich die Toilet Map Vienna eingereicht. Bis 13.3. ist das Voting für alle eingereichten Apps möglich & ich würde mich über jede Stimme sehr freuen.
Voten geht am einfachsten per Twitter – einfach folgenden Tweet versenden:
Please help #toiletmap Vienna app to win the #SanHack – vote by RT or online at #ogdwien #fb
Alternativ dazu kann hier via Facebook für die App gestimmt werden (einloggen, Zugriff bestätigen, fertig).
Vielen Dank! 🙂
IKT-Strategie 2014-2018 – auch zu Open Data – mitgestalten
Die Maßnahmen für die österreichische IKT Strategie 2014 – 2018 werden auf dieser Seite durch einen partizipativen Prozess überprüft, den Sie aktiv mitgestalten können. Ausgangspunkt sind Grundsatzüberlegungen dazu, die zur Diskussion gestellt werden. Am Ende jedes Kapitels können Sie Maßnahmen vorschlagen, die gemeinsam mit den anderen Teilnehmerinnen und Teilnehmern weiterentwickelt werden und eine wichtige Unterstützung für die nächste Regierungserklärung bilden. Bitte registrieren Sie sich und bringen Sie bis spätestens 14.3.2013 Ihre Vorschläge ein. Je früher Sie Ihre Beiträge einbringen, desto höher ist die Wahrscheinlichkeit, dass sie einer Diskussion unterzogen werden können. Wir freuen uns auf Ihre Vorschläge.
Kommentare zu Big and Open Data können unter Punkt 18 abgegeben werden.
European PSI Scoreboard – Austria rank: 5
The PSI Scoreboard is a tool to measure the status of Open Data and PSI re-use throughout the EU. It does NOT monitor government policies, but aims to assess the overall PSI re-use situation, which includes the open data community’s activities. For now, it is in ‘Public Beta’, and it will be expanded based on your feedback. Take a look at the current results below. The collected general feedback and suggestions for changing indicators is also available for your perusal.
The PSI Scoreboard is a ‘crowdsourced’ initiative. The data is compiled using a combination of internet search and local experts helping us in filling out the scoreboard. Naturally, using a network of experts, there are margins of appreciation in assessing the indicators. Also, circumstances change, and countries and communities get better at both re-use and at faciliting re-use. Precisely because of this, we welcome any feedback on the PSI Scoreboard (see already received feedback). If you feel we can improve the data, please get in touch with us by sending us a message through our contact form.
View full data and more info on
via @parycek