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Multilaterale Initiative “Open Government Partnership” gestartet

US-Außenministerin Hillary Clinton und der brasilianische Außenminister Antonio Patriota gaben am 12. Juli den Start der “Open Government Partnership“-Initiative bekannt.

Diese multilaterale Initiative hat sich zum Ziel gesetzt, offene und rechenschaftspflichtige Regierungen zu fördern sowie Bürger zu bevollmächtigen, gegen Korruption anzukämpfen, sie durch wirtschaftliche Impulse zu unterstützen oder beispielsweise ein innovationsfreundliches Klima zu fördern (siehe auch OGP-Roadmap).

Regierungsvertreter aus über 60 Länder und mehr als 40 NGOs diskutieren auf der 2-tägigen-Konferenz (Agenda) Best Practices, Tools, Technologien und Methodiken, welche zur Förderung von Open Government weltweit eingesetzt werden können.

Bis zum September 2011 soll von den 8 OGP Gründungsmitgliedern (Brasilien, Indonesien, Mexiko, Norwegen, Philippinen, Südafrika, Großbritannien, USA) eine “Open Government Declaration” sowie konkrete Aktionspläne für die Förderung der Open Government Prinzipien in den einzelnen Ländern ausgearbeitet werden. Auch die Aufnahme weiterer Mitgliedsländer ist geplant.

“Once a grassroots movement that emerged out of meetings between activists and geeks,” Open Society Foundation consultant David Sasaki writes in a blog post, “open government is now being adopted by some of the world’s biggest NGOs and transformed into a tool of diplomacy.”

Zusammen mit NGOs wurde zu Beginn der Konferenz das Dokument “Opening government – A guide to best practice in transparency, accountability and civic engagement across the public sector” veröffentlicht. In diesem wird der aktuelle Stand der Entwicklungen in den Bereichen Transparenz, Rechenschaftspflicht und Bürgerbeteiligung in 15 Gebieten wie z.B. Informationszugang, Budgetierung oder Serviceerbringung dargestellt.

Dieses Dokument soll nicht nur Regierungen, NGOs und den privaten Sektor dabei unterstützen, über konkrete OGP Aktionspläne zu informieren, sondern auch dazu anregen, neue Reformen, Fürsprecher und Kooperationen zu suchen, um die Entwicklung Richtung Open Government weltweit zu fördern.

Weiterführende Informationen zur “Open Government Partnership”-Initiative:


Großbritannien auf der OpenData-Überholspur

Premierminister David Cameron hatte Ende Juni angekündigt, neue “extrem signifikante” und “kontroversielle” Datensätze im Rahmen der britischen Open Government Initiative auf zu veröffentlichten. Lt. McKinsey soll der Wert dieser Daten 250 Milliarden Euro pro Jahr betragen.

Dementsprechend groß war das Interesse an der heutigen Pressekonferenz, in der die Details bekanntgegeben wurden. David Cameron wandte sich mit einer Videobotschaft und einem Artikel in “The Telegraph” an die Öffentlichkeit:

Mit der neuen Transparenzoffensive sollen in den nächsten 12 Monaten umfangreiche Daten aus den Bereichen Gesundheit, Bildung, Justiz und Verkehr veröffentlicht werden, mit denen aus meiner Sicht Großbritannien die Vorreiterrolle im Bereich Open Government und Open Data von den USA übernehmen und auch europaweit neue Benchmarks setzen wird:


New transparency commitments

All data listed below, as with existing data commitments, must be published in an open standardised format so that it can be freely re-used under the Open Government Licence by third parties.

NHS (National Health Service)

  • Data on comparative clinical outcomes of GP practices in England to be published by December 2011,[…]
  • Prescribing data by GP practice to be published by December 2011, as per the Growth Review.
  • Complaints data by NHS hospital so that patients can see what issues have affected others and take better decisions about which hospital suits them. […]
  • Clinical audit data, detailing the performance of publicly funded clinical teams in treating key healthcare conditions, will be published from April 2012. […]
  • Data on staff satisfaction and engagement by NHS provider (for example by hospital and mental health trust) will be published from December 2011.
  • Data on the quality of post-graduate medical education by provider from April 2012.

Education & Skills

  • Data enabling parents to see how effective their school is at teaching high, average and low attaining pupils across a range of subjects, from January 2012.
  • Opening up access to anonymised data from the National Pupil Database to help parents and pupils to monitor the performance of their schools in depth, from June 2012. This will enable better comparisons of school performance and we will look to strengthen datasets in due course.
  • Bringing together for the first time school spending data, school performance data, pupil cohort data and Ofsted judgements, from January 2012, in a parent-friendly portal, searchable by postcode.
  • Data on attainment of students eligible for pupil premium to be published from January 2012.
  • Data on apprenticeships paid for by HM Government, by organisation and by success rate to be published from July 2011.

Criminal Justice

  • Sentencing data by court will be published by November 2011, enabling the public to see exactly what sentences are being handed down in their local courts, and compare different courts on a wide range of measures. The data, anonymised, will include the age, gender and ethnicity of those sentenced, the sentence given, and the time taken at each stage from offence to completion of the case in court.
  • Data on performance of probation services and prisons including re-offending rates by offender and institution. To be published from October 2011.
  • From May 2012, the national crime mapping website,, will provide the public with information on what happens next for crime occurring on their streets, ie police action and justice outcomes.

In addition to opening up data owned by DfT and its arms length bodies, we are committed to working with the transport industry and data users to make public transport data open and freely available for re-use. Over the next year we will deliver:

  • Data on current and future roadworks on the Strategic Road Network to be published from October 2011 […]
  • All remaining Government-owned free datsets from Transport Direct, including cycle route data and the national car park database to be made available for free re-use from October 2011.
  • Real time data on the Strategic Road Network including incidents, speeds and congestion to be published from December 2011.
  • Office of Rail Regulator to increase the amount of data published relating to service performance and complaints by May 2012.
    Rail timetable information to be published weekly by National Rail from December 2011.

Government financial information

  • We are working with the purchase and payment card providers to provide a consistent method of reporting government procurement card spend data for transactions above £500 in value, so this is available for publication on departmental websites, from end September 2011.


Quelle: Letter to Cabinet Ministers by David Cameron (Hervorhebungen in fett und Kürzungen mit  […] von Robert Seyfriedsberger)

Die Reaktionen der britischen OpenData-Experten auf diese Ankündigungen waren durchwegs positiv, wie z.B. im Guardian Datablog nachzulesen ist.

Hadley Beeman (@hadleybeeman) hat live von der Pressekonferenz getweeted (Hashtag #openuk) – hier von mir ausgewählte Tweets zur Pressekonferenz:

(PM=Prime Minister, FM=Cabinet Minister Francis Maude, BK=Sir Bruce Keogh – NHS Medical Director)

  • The PM (via video) commits to radicallly redistributing power away from government. Transparency is power. #openuk
  • PM: Last 12 months: opening up Whitehall. Next 12 months: opening up public services. Compare perf of GPs, schools, crime/convictions #openuk
  • PM: opening public services should raise standards in public services. A 1st for the world. #openuk
  • Prime Minister: “Use it, exploit it, make it work for you.” #transparency # #openuk #opendata
  • FM: Clinical audits will be published, giving patients & clinicians more meaningful information on which to make decisions. #openuk
  • FM: schools: anonymised information on students eligible for pupil premiums. Allow you to monitor improvement for schools in depth #openuk
  • FM: the more transport operators open their data, the more use it will drive for their own services. Urge them to open more. #openuk
  • Nigel Shadbolt: Moral pressure helps. The utility of opening train data is in the interests of the train operating companies. #openuk
  • FM: Prisons: we will release performance info for prisons and probation programmes to reduce reoffending rates. #openuk
  • BK Our heart surgery is now measurably, demonstrably better than anywhere in Europe. I’ve seen the advantgs of transparency 1st hand #openuk
  • BK: Some, who offer poor services, will fall victim to this transparency. And so they should. #openuk
  • Nigel Shadbolt: we need to never turn the dial from the presumption of publ data by default. The web’s value is in unintended reuse. #openuk
  • Note: All new transparency commitments REQUIRE data to be released under the Open Government Licence.… #openuk #opendata
  • FM: Re: quality of data: we know it’s not perfect. Publish it, let it be scrutinised. #openuk
  • N Shadbolt: There’s now an edu piece to this, to help government re-use the data internally. Become consumers as @countculture says #openuk

OpenData im Gesundheitsbereich

Dass offene Daten auch im Gesundheitsbereich für mehr Transparenz sorgen können, hat nun Australien mit dem Emergency Department Dashboard vorgezeigt: auf diesem werden alle 30 Minuten die aktuelle Anzahl an Patienten und Wartezeiten für Notfallambulanzen in Spitälern mit Unterstützung eines Ampelsystems dargestellt. Personenbezogene Daten werden natürlich nicht veröffentlicht. Weitere Infos sind in den Hilfeseiten, den FAQs und folgendem Newsbeitrag zu finden.

Australiens Gesundheitsminister John Hill zum ED Dashboard: “I want to help remove some of the mystique around how our health system is run and inform the public about how patient flow is managed in a busy hospital environment. I don’t know of any other health system in the world – and there are certainly none in Australia – that puts up the same performance data as used by its staff for the public to examine.”

Wartezeiten für Operationen, die bereits jetzt online abgerufen werden können, sollen künftig auch ins Dashboard integriert werden.

Open Knowledge Conference 2011 – Filter Bubble

Habe heute die lange Zugfahrt zurück nach Wien von der äußerst gelungenen Open Knowledge Conference 2011 in Berlin dazu genutzt, aus über 2000 Tweets jene 181 rauszusuchen, welche die Inhalte und Stimmung auf der Konferenz aus meiner Sicht am besten wiedergeben – in Anlehnung an den TED Talk von Eli Pariser sozusagen meine persönliche “Filter Bubble” 🙂

Ein öffentliches PiratePad mit gemeinsamen Notizen zum Nachlesen gibt es ebenfalls.

Ich bitte um Nachsicht, dass die Hyperlinks nicht klickbar sind – bitte einfach markieren und kopieren. Am Anfang jeder Zeile steht der jeweilige Twittername des Autors, dessen Twitterprofil zB im Falle @tkb unter erreichbar ist. Die Tweets sind zeitlich sortiert und orientieren sich am offiziellen Programm am 30.6./1.7.

  • @tkb Don’t shy away from big ideas: “all our knowledge, open and accessible to all of humanity” #okcon2011
  • @dinugherman “Either the user controls the software or the software controls the user.” #RMS #okcon #okcon2011
  • @teleyinex RT @laurnicolas: Stallman : to write a free software is a contribution to the society #okcon2011
  • @NoorChandler Stallman : Using the word pirate is propaganda for their war on sharing #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Stallman rejects proprietary software because it imposes a morale dilemma on the user prohibiting sharing. That’s malicious. #okcon2011
  • @everton137 Want to be a data journalist? #OKcon2011 #opendata (Pode interessá-la, @amanda_rossi
  • @NoorChandler Stallman: three kinds of malicious features: malware (Windows/Mac Os) flash player and amazon kindle #okcon2011
  • @RobertHarm RMS: “your Amazon booklist can be obtained by US gov even withouth court decisions” #okcon2011
  • @zielwasser Spannende Plattform für geoverortetes Datensammeln: #crowdsourcing #mapping #collaborative #okcon2011
  • @fadsverre RT @jwyg: Pleased to announce release of to map #opendata around the world at #okcon2011: #offdata
  • @archiville #okcon2011 great project that monitors the accelerometer in laptops to detect quake activity. #quakecatcher
  • @TapioNurminen #okcon2011 Richard Stallman on free vs open-source: Freedom is a core value; better quality software is just nice.
  • @tvol .@rms: “in order to be able to use open gov data as a free citizen, it has to be operable with free software” #okcon2011
  • @laurnicolas Stallman : scientific papers are mostly funded by governments : these are open data and must be free ! #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Richard Stallman on gov data: must be in open formats, otherwise they impose obstacles on users. Must use free licenses. #okcon2011 #opengov
  • @dinugherman “We have to campaign for freely redistributable publications, not open acess.” #RMS #okcon #okcon2011 #openaccess
  • @tkb “Statistical History of Brazil” project at – “recover, digitize, conserve and disseminate” Fascinating! #okcon2011
  • @epsiplatform EC’s @ccbuhr ‘s slides for his #okcon2011 presentation #dae #daa11eu #daa11psi #opendata
  • @kliehm Now @ccbuhr introducing the stakeholding EU commissioners: digital agenda, copyright, research, EC internal IT. #okcon2011
  • @laurnicolas: Eur. Commission on the way to charge public data : thinking about how, when, where #okcon2011 #Eu
  • @MFBorman #okcon2011 @ccbuhr now on costs of #opendata , EU is studying on sevaral options for covering costs of opendata. No one solution yet.
  • @kat_braybrooke “The idea of creating a #Commons comes from concept of *collaboratively* developing our code.” — Allison Powell (@postdocal) at #OKCon2011.
  • @MFBorman no tender for 🙁 #okcon2011 the good news is is coming.
  • @hofmokl Notes from #okcon2011 are here I am not there but I can follow. Great!
  • @everton137 Estonian state budget 2011 visualization #OKCon2011 (via @LindaAustere)
  • @laurnicolas ach schade ! “most of the money for open access projects at the European level will come from member states budgets” #okcon2011
  • @everton137 Europeana: paintings, music, films and books from Europe’s galleries, libraries, archives and museums #OKCon2011
  • @ccbuhr citing head of German National Library that it’s possible to have our whole European cultural heritage digitized by 2025 #okcon2011
  • @jannekeboerman Now at the open hardware track. Whether or not to develop open hardware standards #Okcon2011
  • @jindrichmynarz A plan towards federated portal, in slides by @ccbuhr at #OKCon2011
  • @MFBorman Very good initative to open up EU data using APIs by @yourparliament » #okcon2011
  • @mirkolorenz: While there are many open questions, it’s still amazing that the open data idea is accepted at high EU levels #okcon2011
  • @cienkamila: EU Commision will promote and make open acces model general principle for EU funded projects C.C.Buhr #okcon2011 #openaccess
  • @jindrichmynarz Coming up on #OKCon2011: @Nigel_Shadbolt on the Power, promise and perils of open government data.
  • @MFBorman last monday, 60% of mapping organisations ceo’s didn’t know about the haiti openmap case , according to @Nigel_Shadbolt #okcon2011
  • @everton137 São Paulo city in Brazil is also going to support #opendata (in PT) #OKCon2011 (cc @okfn @epsiplatform @PuntoGov)
  • @dingsebomsen Crowdsourcing does not necessarily produce data, but works well for finding stories, says Simon Rogers of Guardian’s @datastore #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Nigel Shandbolt recommends: publish data that matters! Will get ppl engaged who create apps etc. It improves public services. #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Shandbolt: data has a long tail, you should publish the stuff anyway. Publish unless good reason not to, timely and fine grained. #okcon2011
  • @laurnicolas N. Shandbolt : licensing public open data will kill the re-use !
  • @kliehm Don’t impose restrictions, your data will be used much more often #okcon2011
  • @Nigel_Shadbolt: “slightest restriction on licensing will kill reuse; remove restrictions and adoption becomes universal” #okcon2011
  • @avancampen #okcon2011 #opendata He gets it >Shadbolt: ‘publish/share URI’s. Its something we learned. It really helps’
  • @acka47 Yes. URIs are most important!@Nigel_shadbolt at #okcon2011: “If you don’t go the whole Linked Data path at least create URIs for your data.”
  • @kliehm The future of #OpenData: geotag everything, it’s the connective tissue! Issue to be solved in OGD 2.0: feedback. #okcon2011
  • @DirDigEng MT @laurnicolas: @Nigel_Shadbolt : how do you write datasets back to the State? this is the challenge #okcon2011 #opendata
  • @tvol .@Nigel_Shadbolt: “gov needs to realize that big beneficiary of open gov data is itself” #okcon2011
  • @laurnicolas RT @tkb: Tom Lee from the Sunlight Foundation starting on defending #opendata – story of the wobble. #okcon2011
  • @MFBorman #opendata always seems to be focussed on transparany of governments. Have we lost faith in economic value? #okcon2011
  • @anpe Lobbyists of the EU mapped Crossposted at Join us for further analysis! #okcon2011
  • @jwyg Results of survey on data needs of journalists from @bb_liliana. More on the survey: #opendata #ddj #okcon2011
  • @zielwasser Studie vom EJC deutet an: Mathe-Defizit hindert Journalisten, Data Driven Journalism zu praktizieren. #okcon2011
  • @kliehm .@DirDigEng about : currently 7100 datasets, 37 GB of geodata. Overcame obstacles by doing, not debating. #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Set coherent policies, but not in stone, do not legislate; re-use other policies #okcon2011
  • @JeniT #okcon2011 @dirdigeng: “when releasing government data, compromise on data, not on licence”
  • @SilvanavF lessons: highlight applications; create “heroes” of agencies who give data @DirDigEng #OKCon2011 #opendata #opengov
  • @adrebiluka #okcon2011 Andrew Stott – #opendata – it’s not the IT project, stop it becoming one!
  • @Palinuro If you don’t want to open up your data, here you find a couple of excuses!! #okcon2011
  • @epsiplatform Are u planning #opendata related events? Let us know! aims to give comprehensive European overview! #okcon2011
  • @zielwasser “Use the data to deliver visible benefits!” – Andrew Stott über Strategien, um Verwaltungen vom Prinzip open data zu überzeugen. #okcon2011
  • @SilvanavF @CountCulture on “Global open data: a threat or saviour for democracy?” #OKCon2011 #opengov #opendata
  • @kliehm Our society, business models, democracy depends on friction, says @countculture. But we know how the Internet deals with blockage #okcon2011
  • @thornet “Journalists, where do you add value?” a @jeffjarvis question that’s been itching at journos for years. – @mirkolorenz #okcondj #okcon2011
  • @dingsebomsen Where do journalists add value? They find and tell the stories behind the data, says @mirkolorenz #okcon2011 #okcondj
  • @Stiivi Chris Taggart asks: “Who has jurisdiction over Twitter, Facebook, Baidu?” #okcon2011
  • @helen_access Chris Taggart of having right to make “proper” use of data is essential – “data is the currency of democracy” #OKCon2011
  • @helen_access Chris Taggart: amoral corporate lawyers are the biggest hackers – they know how to get around the law by doing what’s legal #OKCon2011
  • @bb_liliana Stefan Candea (CRJI): journalists should use a network of resources (databases and tools) instead of the network of sources #okcon2011 #ddj
  • @kat_braybrooke “everything i needed to know about #opendata i learned from #opensource.” — chris taggart, #okcon2011/ cc @okfn.
  • @kliehm Proceedings of #okcon2011: – #opendata #slides – see also program
  • @ddjournalism Mirko Lorenz (DW): ‘The big data stories get about as much traffic as a big scoop at the New York Times’ #ddj #okcon2011 #datajournalism
  • @ddjournalism The Texas Tribune (US) get about half of their traffic from data stories #ddj #okcon2011
  • @teleyinex “As researchers we do not need anymore the publishers” by Björn Brembs #okcon2011
  • @kat_braybrooke “We have to assume many of the people who could use #opendata won’t have access to it.” – Michael Gurstein, #okcon2011 #ICT4D
  • @zielwasser #Worldbank switched data policy from “default: closed” to “default: open”, says Tariq Khokhar. The datasets: #OKcon2011
  • @frescosecco has more traffic than #okcon2011
  • @KDialogues #OpenCities pilot project: – urban labs, crowd sourcing, open data #okcon2011 #urban #innovation
  • @kliehm RT @zielwasser: Nice example for new urban services: trash bins with sensors so they only have to be picked up when filled. #okcon2011
  • @gruen_digital pünktlich zur #okcon2011 Positionspapier “Informationsfreiheit 2.0 und Open Data” einstimmig verabschiedet
  • @jindrichmynarz Slides for “No open society without open knowledge, no open knowledge without open infrastructures.” #OKCon2011
  • @kliehm Open Database of the Corporate World – Germany is behind paywalls, unavailable for projects like this. #okcon2011
  • @CaptainCalliope RT @thornet: “We don’t want to work for a company. We want to create & add value to the commons.” Is for-profit toxic? @mbauwens #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Interesting concept for early e-participation of citizens: app telling what’s going on around, like/dislike: #okcon2011
  • @tendersubject Interesting anti-corruption app in Slovakia linking people to tenders #okcon2011
  • @zielwasser “Ask forgiveness, rather than permission.” – Chris Taggart’s advice for bringing public data to further use. #OKcon2011
  • @BrainStraining RT @iainh_z Data Sharing by Scientists: Practices and Perceptions many at #okcon2011 will be interested in this.
  • @nicolaskb Just met with @momokoprice at #OKcon2011 She convinced me that will be THE place for data nerds when it launches.
  • @brunomertins Interesting mind map: Everything Open and Free via @mbauwens #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Stats on Linked #OpenData in CKAN: #okcon2011
  • @rufuspollock Slides from my opening talk at OKCon today are up on #okfn blog #okcon #okcon2011
  • @anheem And a new form of leadership: from leader-follower to enabler-enabled #okcon2011 (3)
  • @helen_access Access Info Europe launches legal help desk for open government data activists at #OKCon2011 @Access_Info #transparency
  • @berlinergazette Open Knowledge und Journalismus: Sind Daten ein Rohstoff oder ein Gemeingut? #okcon2011
  • @mirkolorenz: Uploaded: Open Data in the Newsroom: What’s the Story? My talk at #okcon2011 #ddj #datajourn #journ …
  • @kliehm #OpenData #licenses commonly applied: CC0 and CC licenses, or PDDL, ODC-By, and ODC-ODbL by #okcon2011
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 first keynote by Bruce Allen: Supercomputing for Everyone #boinc #einsteinathome
  • @kliehm In 2010, some 400 million works were licensed with CC. Primary thread: proprietary formats. incompatibility of licenses. #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Upcoming CC version 4.0: work begins in September on interoperability, database rights, and other issues. Help welcome. #okcon2011
  • @epsiplatform RT @kliehm: Upcoming CC v 4.0: work begins in Sept on interoperability, database rights, etc. Help welcome. #okcon2011 #opendata #licenses
  • @kliehm So the director of LexisNexis whom I met in Brussels saying CC0 has a bad rep in France was just lobbying. Don’t believe the hype #okcon2011
  • @nissilaj Most culture producers are amateurs and legal laymen. This should be taken into account in the #IPR law. #okcon2011
  • @dinugherman Cool: (U.S. Nuclear) Power Reactor Status Reports: Now such thing in Germany, I guess!? #okcon2011 #opendata
  • @anheem Legal reality of present copy rights: Creators (the creative use of other people’s products in making new goods) are “criminals’. #okcon2011
  • @acka47 Creative Commons Rights Expression Language: #generoproject #okcon2011
  • @kliehm If your public administration hasn’t managed #OpenData yet, use @ScraperWiki, scrapes proprietary formats #okcon2011
  • @BetweenMyths New Visualisations for OpenSpending #OKCon2011
  • @kliehm #Google Public Data Explorer explained: #psi #opendata #okcon2011
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 3 negative effects of copyright system on cultural development: 1. creative achievements are not realised, works not created
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 2. works are not published, cannot be performed, displayed, broadcasted,sold or enjoyed 3. the artists must not become successful
  • @jindrichmynarz List of popular public data searches on Google. [PDF – needs scrapin’?!] #OKCon2011
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 4 fundamental flaws: 1. the theory of “intellectual property” – no work is generated in a creative vacuum (shoulder/giants)
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 2. the author´s rigt is mainly a right for the “creative industry”
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 3. The “theory of the incentive effect of copyright” (=argument that strong copyright is needed to incentive creativity)
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 4. the principle of an adequate compensation –> ignores economic and financial interest of copyright holders
  • @MFBorman The google public data explorer > #okcon2011
  • @kliehm #Google Public Data Explorer uses PSDL as XML metadata: API is coming, no real-time data #okcon2011
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 4 essential steps to modern copyright: 1. revise the focus (=focus on interest of general public instead of special interests)
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 2. revise copyrights, limitations & user´s rights (relation between property rights and users rights)
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 3. revise duration (much too long-70 years after death of author for EVERY work; great problem: orphaned works cant be published)
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 Abschlussbericht “Urheberrecht für die Informationsgesellschaft”
  • @simon_ids listening to Knowledge for all a collaborative, international and open scholarly journal article database at #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Europeana collects cultural metadata from the Louvre and 90 other direct providers: #PublicContent
  • @TapioNurminen Why drop Non-Commercial in Europeana? Created with taxpayers money + difficult to define NC boundaries #okcon2011
  • @josemalonso mentioned the excellent “Open Data Study” by @OpenSociety at #okcon2011 #opendata
  • @DirDigEng RT @anked: @TimBerners_Lee “#opendata has to happen at 3 levels: top (leadership) & middle (officials) & bottom (community” #okcon2011
  • @TapioNurminen 3.5 million records released as LOD through #europeana in June – had missed this one. #okcon2011
  • @epsiplatform RT @scinoptica: Knowledge for All open access citation dbase of all published scholarly journal lit #k4all #okcon2011
  • @tkb “Hard, Boring, Juicy” – @pudo on the stages of an open government finance project 🙂 #okcon2011 #opendata
  • @mbrinkerink : introducing #okcon2011
  • @jordanhatcher RT @tkb: Idea from @pudo – “Open Street Map for Money” – glandular, modular and integrable in the Bruce Sterling sense! #opendata #okcon2011
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 Openspending=ETL Patterns, Data Store, Navigation, Cube&Data API, Candy Jar (kind of Appstore)
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 openspending integrates with CKAN; new packages uploaded at CKAN instances can be synched easily
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 people most seriously interested in datasets & visualizations are public servants / administration
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 complete view of expenditures for a topic (eg education) only possible through aggregation through all federal levels
  • @p2pu Announcing 2 brand new schools at P2PU: School of Open Data (with #OKFN) and School of Citizen Cyberscience (with CCC) at #okcon2011
  • @tkb “Scaling to local” – what’s next for open spending by @pudo at #okcon2011
  • @melanieddr #okcon2011 @mbrinkerink effects of reuse of their videos on Wikipedia: 3 millions+ views of articles in May, more than footages they have!
  • @nilleren RT @adrebiluka: Friedrich Lindenberg: we know how to do funny bubbles but do we know what to do with it next? #okcon2011
  • @kliehm Now @RegardsCitoyens about transparency of lobbying. Scraped lobbyist names, crowd-sourced sex, full-name, function, organisation #okcon2011
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 3214 people performed 45000 actions in only 10 days when expecting 2 months
  • @davidpidsley John Sheridan talking about #OpenData business models at #OKCon2011, quoting “The Wealth of Networks”.
  • @opengovme John Sheridan – Culture, data quality and guarantees are challenges in #opendata implementation besides tech and organisation. #okcon2011
  • @johnlsheridan : we need to prove fast that “open” is a sustainable business model ! #okcon2011
  • @anked Brasil has 13 yrs history of #opendata, on health, pension, education, employment, demography, public spending, public employees #okcon2011
  • @sebgiessmann So, so: der IT-Planungsrat der Bundesregierung will transparentes Regierungs- und Verwaltungshandeln. #ifg20 #okcon2011
  • @nissilaj Who uses open data? Hint: usage always drops during university holiday periods. #okcon2011
  • @epsiplatform RT @anked: 3000 users on average per day access Brazil #opendata, more than 1mio data series every months accessed. #okcon2011
  • @zielwasser German statistic agencies release city and communal data from today – #OKcon2011 (via @sebaso @patrickhausmann)
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 now session “universal access to all knowledge” by Brewster Kahle, founder of Internet Archive/Wayback machine
  • @anked WOW – public book mobile – downloads and prints on demand books for 1$/book in poor areas. Costs less than lending out @ library. #okcon2011
  • @josemalonso RT @tkb: The legendary @brewster_kahle on the big picture of “Universal Access to All Knowledge” at #okcon2011
  • @tkb 1,000 books digitised /day at 24 centres in 5 countries. Costs 10c/page to capture, clean, OCR and distribute. @brewster_kahle at #okcon2011
  • @anked 2.5 mio free ebooks already available, 150.000 for blind ppl, – universal access of knowlege and #okcon2011
  • @anked now 1000 libraries from 6 countries lend ebooks in a pool for which they acquired lending rights. Number grows fast. #okcon2011
  • @anked this idea of borrowing ebooks from libraries is supercool! can read in browser, download pdf (selfdestroys after some weeks) #okcon2011
  • @anked users can lend out up to 5 books, libraries can join easily, need only to bring min 1 ebook to the pool. #okcon2011
  • @buzzdata @brewster_kahle: “Some libraries have signed up with Google Books and it is a disaster. They say it’s open and it is NOT.” #OKCon2011
  • @anked 900.000 music recordings e.g. from live concerts, available for free, in openlibrary, digitizing costs 10-20$ each #okcon2011
  • @anked Brewster Kahle: do you know how long youtube will exist? takes all data, provides free long term access. #okcon2011
  • @anked US govt threatened, but they sued them back and won 🙂 – Electronic Frontier Foundation fought this through. #kudos #okcon2011
  • @anked 500.000 videos already freely accessible at, 1 mio hours TV available (which are not online yet) #okcon2011
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 photo of the wayback machine – the internet is that big 🙂
  • @acka47 Great applause with standing ovations for @brewster_kahle at #okcon2011
  • @mbrinkerink @brewster_kahle “Universal Access to All Knowledge can be the achievement our generation is remembered for.” #moved #inspired #okcon2011
  • @CosmoCat .@PeteForde Says “why not data dancers, painters or even better data singers instead of data miners?” #inspiring #okcon2011 #change
  • @RobertHarm RT @laurnicolas: .@PeteForde : where would I want to go if want to look at data sets ? @BuzzData ! #okcon2011
  • @jindrichmynarz Infect the enterprise by using #opendata principles internally, behind the firewall. Andreas Blumauer at #OKCon2011
  • @lod2project #semwebcompany speaking at #okcon2011 about #opendata and business and #hyperdata & #linkeddata
  • @ddjournalism Great project of the International Aid Transparency Initiative to map in real time aid spending #okcon2011 #ddj
  • @ddjournalism Great set of tools to help journalists explore and ask questions to aid information #ddj #okcon2011
  • @anked project now presented in lightning talk at #okcon2011
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 Lightning talks – looking for help #ddj #visualization
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 next lightning talk: presentation of – investigative encyclopedia for politics & history
  • @countculture: #OpenData: A threat or saviour for #democracy . My #okcon2011 presentation
  • @rolfkleef “Data without Borders” #okcon2011 RT @marikeng: seen this yet? Enjoy Berlin! #opendata
  • @petermurrayrust: #okcon2011 #jiscopenbib Open Bibliography Workshop and report
  • @jordanhatcher checking out ‘s artist in residence at #okcon2011 – lots of fun stuff such as
  • @RobertHarm #okcon2011 Open Bank Project: Ziel ist die Enwicklung einer Open Source API & Plattform für Banktransaktionen
  • @scibella raw XML downloadable archive for #okcon2011 (2334 tweets) now on archive background:
  • @pudo: Excellent presentation by @CountCulture: – Open Data, threat or saviour for democracy? #opendata #okcon2011
  • @ddie I have seen a lot of smiling people in the last days. this is what makes #okcon a real success! thanks to all of you. #okfn #okcon2011

Stadt Wien fragt zu offenen Daten nach

Online-Umfrage zu Wünschen der Nutzer gestartet

Eineinhalb Monate nach dem Start des Open Data Portals und etwas mehr als eine Woche nach der inhaltlichen Erweiterung, fragt die Stadt Wien nun in einer Online-Umfrage Interessierte nach ihren Wünschen zu offenen Daten in der Bundeshauptstadt.

In einem Online-Fragebogen wird erhoben, welche Daten von den Nutzern gewünscht werden, welche Anwendungen ihnen dabei vorschweben und wie die Befragten mit den Angeboten des Wiener Open-Data-Portals zufrieden sind. Die Umfrage ist für zwei Monate anberaumt.

Teil des Einführungsplans
Die Online-Umfrage ist Teil des Einführungsplanes für Open Government Data in Wien, nach der Portalöffnung am 17. Mai und der Berücksichtigung des Themas im Content Award Vienna in einer eigenen Open Data Kategorie.

Befragungen wie die vorliegende gehören weltweit zu den festen Bestandteilen der Einführungsprozesse von offenen Verwaltungsdaten. In Österreich gibt es auch schon Ergebnisse ähnlicher Studien aus dem Projekt LOD2 und durch den Verein Open3.

Informationsveranstaltung am Donnerstag
Am Donnerstag, den 30. Juni, laden die Wiener Open-Data-Verantwortlichen auch wieder zu einer Informationsveranstaltung, bei der diesmal neben dem Chief Information Officer (CIO) der Stadt, Johann Mittheisz, unter anderem Vertreter von Vienna GIS, den Wiener Linien und der Landesstatistik Wien Interessierten Rede und Antwort stehen werden.


